Some administrators prefer to do everything manually, other automated. I have always preferred to have as much as possible automated or at least set up with a script so the action can easily be repeated without varying end results.
I have written a script which verifies that all users that should have a home folder has one, and that it has the appropriate permissions.
If you use ADUC to set a home folder it per default gives the user Full Permissions, this is not optimal because it gives the end user the ability to change the permissions on their folders. I always prefer to give them Modify instead.
And sometimes the folder has mysteriously not been created on the server, or been deleted. This script will also fix that.
# User Home Directory Permissions - 2013-01-15 # # Created a home folder for users who does not have one and sets correct permissions. # Loading modules Import-Module ActiveDirectory $DC = "MYDC.HEINEBORN.LOCAL" $OU = "OU=PRODUCTION,DC=HEINEBORN,DC=LOCAL" $Content = (Get-ADUser -Server $DC -filter * -Properties * -SearchBase $OU | select SamAccountName, HomeDirectory ) FOREACH ($ID in $Content) { $User = $ID.SamAccountName $Folder = $ID.HomeDirectory # Check if the user has a HomeDirectory. If (($User -ne "SamAccountName") -and ($Folder)) { # Check if folder exists, if not it created it. If ((Test-Path $Folder) -ne $true) { Write-Host Write-Host $User " HomeDirectory does not exist. Creating..." New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $Folder icacls $Folder /grant $User`:`(OI`)`(CI`)M } # Check if permissions are F (Full) $Icacls = icacls $Folder $Match = "*" + $User + ":(F)*" $IcaclsResult = $Icacls -like $Match If ($IcaclsResult) { Write-Host Write-Host $User " HomeDirectory has incorrect permissions. Resetting..." icacls $Folder /remove:g $User icacls $Folder /grant $User`:`(OI`)`(CI`)M } } }
If this helped you or if you need assistance adjusting it let me know.