One of our customers Active Directory and file servers was having issues with backups on users home directory.
We designed a PowerShell-script to remedy the issue. The script looks through the a selected Organization Unit and verifies that all users have a home directory set, and that it has the appropriate NTFS-permissions.
In this case all users had Full-permissions on their home folder, which led to some users resetting permissions and removing unwanted permissions (Backup or Admin accounts) on their “private” folders.
This script will reset Modify-permissions for the targeted users.
# User Home Directory Permissions - 2013-01-15 # # Creates a HomeDirectory for users who are missing one. # Verifies they have Modify permissions, if they have Full it replaces with Modify. # Loading modules Import-Module ActiveDirectory $DC = "DC01.DOMAIN.LOCAL" $OU = "OU=Users,DC=DOMAIN,DC=LOCAL" $Content = (Get-ADUser -server $Dc -filter * -Properties * -SearchBase $OU | select SamAccountName, HomeDirectory) FOREACH ($ID in $Content) { $User = $ID.SamAccountName $Folder = $ID.HomeDirectory # If the user does not have a value for HomeDirectory it skips. If ($Folder) { # If the HomeDirectory does not exist its created. If ((Test-Path $Folder) -ne $true) { New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $Folder icacls $Folder /grant $User`:`(OI`)`(CI`)M } # Checking if user has Full permissions on their folder. $Icacls = icacls $Folder $Match = "*" + $User + ":(F)*" $IcaclsResult = $Icacls -like $Match If ($IcaclsResult) { Write-Host $User " HomeDirectory has incorrect permissions. Resetting..." icacls $Folder /remove:g $User icacls $Folder /grant $User`:`(OI`)`(CI`)M } } }
Let me know if anything is not working for you and I’ll do my best to help you out.
Great Script!!
I have used it to correct my homefolder permisison issues. now i m working to add a poriton to create and set the home folder from a seond file that lists of severs names. This way the script continues through the OU.
Thanks again
Thanks for stopping by, and glad to hear it helped you.
I slightly updated the script and removed the need for a CSV-file.
This is aweseme but Will this script set the permissions for sub files and folders? Also how could I add Domain admins to the full permissions? Thanks
Hi Rob,
This script will inherit down in the user-folders. And yes, you can certainly add "Domain Admins" to the permissions. I do however recommend you doing this at the root-folder and not on every user-folder.
If you for some reason cannot add permissions to the root-folder let me know and I'll send you an updated version of the script.
Best regards,
Hi Joakim,
Thanks for the reply, I really appreciate it! Unfortunately our permissions are broken, I've taken ownership of the files but need to reset all the permissions which is why I could do with a script to add domain admin! Any help would be brilliant! Thanks
Would this do the job:
# User Home Directory Permissions – 2013-01-15
# Creates a HomeDirectory for users who are missing one.
# Verifies they have Modify permissions, if they have Full it replaces with Modify.
# Loading modules
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$DC = "Monmouth.local"
$OU = "OU=Mathematics,OU=Academic Departments,OU=Users,OU=Monmouth School,DC=Monmouth,DC=local"
$Content = (Get-ADUser -server $Dc -filter * -Properties * -SearchBase $OU | select SamAccountName, HomeDirectory)
FOREACH ($ID in $Content) {
$User = $ID.SamAccountName
$Folder = $ID.HomeDirectory
$Domain = "Monmouth.local\Domain Admins"
# If the user does not have a value for HomeDirectory it skips.
If ($Folder) {
# If the HomeDirectory does not exist its created.
If ((Test-Path $Folder) -ne $true) {
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $Folder
icacls $Folder /grant $User`:`(OI`)`(CI`)F
# Checking if user has Full permissions on their folder.
$Icacls = icacls $Folder
$Match = "*" + $User + ":(F)*"
$IcaclsResult = $Icacls -like $Match
If ($IcaclsResult) {
Write-Host $User " HomeDirectory has incorrect permissions. Resetting…"
icacls $Folder /remove:g $User
icacls $Folder /grant $User`:`(OI`)`(CI`)F
icacls $Folder /grant $domain`:`(OI`)`(CI`)F
Hi Rob,
Looks good, you should add "icacls $Folder /grant $domain`:`(OI`)`(CI`)F" to the "# If the HomeDirectory does not exist its created." section to make sure that its added even if a folder does not exist.
/ J
Hello! This post could not be written any better!
I really like the idea of checking modifying security settings from the OU, But I keep getting an error when running the script.
Invalid parameter(s)
Would you have any suggestions?