Heres a small VBs script for fast Active Directory group creation.
Paste the following code into a text file and rename it to “CreateADGroups.vbs”.
strGroup = Inputbox("Enter the name of your group:") If (strGroup = "") Then WScript.Echo "Failed!" Else ' Location where the groups should be created. Set objOU = GetObject("LDAP://ou=shares,ou=groups,dc=mydomain,dc=local") ' You can choose a prefix/sufflix for your group. In this case "SG" for share group. Set objGroup1 = objOU.Create("Group", "CN=SG_" & strGroup & "_R") objGroup1.Put "sAMAccountName", "SG_" & strGroup & "_R"' objGroup1.SetInfo ' You can create several groups in the same script. ' I chose to create a "R" and "RW" group. (Read and Read/Write). Set objGroup2 = objOU.Create("Group", "CN=SG_" & strGroup & "_RW") objGroup2.Put "sAMAccountName", "SG_" & strGroup & "_RW"' objGroup2.SetInfo WScript.Echo "Done!" End If