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Breaking into a Windows System

Do you ever get that sinking feeling, when you’ve forgotten the root password to your test lab?  Again?

I hate it too!  So I decided to figure out a way around it, using a work around…

Installing HP branded Windows on a Virtual server

My customer has bought a Hewlett-Packard server with a Windows Server 2012 ROK (Reseller Option Kit) license.
However this customer had some issues with the installation of the license on the Hyper-V guest server. Since the Windows server does not recognize the ‘hardware’ as a Proliant server, licensing will not succeed.

However there is a simple solution…

Disable Windows 10 Automatic locking screen

We’ve been upgrading a customers environment… for one of their workstation configurations they didn’t want the computers to lock on idle, which is enforced by default.

Azure Backup internal error (ID: 130001)

When installing the Azure Backup Agent you need to supply your vault credentials.
If doing so incorrectly you will get the following error…

Windows 8 can’t find WSUS updates

A customer of mine recently started deploying Windows 8 in their environment. MDT was set up and the deployment was working fine, but after deployment the Windows 8 machines wouldn’t connect to the WSUS server.

When trying to connect to the WSUS-server through the Control Panel I got an error message.

Hash mismatch with SCCM Application

Hash mismatch with SCCM Application

I’ve been troubleshooting an issue with application/client installations for a while now. Some applications have been getting hash mismatch when downloading…

Write Folder Metadata via Powershell

Write Folder Metadata via Powershell

The last few days I’ve been working with Powershell. The idea behind this function is to customize folders. In my case I needed to make sure that the file path does not contain spaces, yet show user friendly folder names to the end user.

Windows 2008 wont use Trusted Sites

Windows 2008 wont use Trusted Sites

Today I ran into an issue with Internet Explorer on a Windows 2008 R2 server.
I have a GPO that pushes Local Intranet and Trusted sites but they would not be visible through the GUI in Internet Options.