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PowerShell: Get-WMIComputerSessions
This PowerShell-script retrieves all current user sessions on a local or remote system.
PowerShell: Get-PendingReboot
This script retrieves the pending reboot status on a local or remote computer.
Installation problem SCEP KB3106514
An update for the System Center Endpoint Protection 2012 Client was released today, and the installation fails on our customers servers.
SCCM Collection: SCEP definition age
This article describes how to set up collections based on the duration since the last Definition Update (signature date).
Configuration Manager Version and Build Numbers
This article lists all the version numbers for Configration Manager 2012 and “CB”, and how to tell which version you’re running.
Get Active Directory pictures in Windows 10
We have been working on migrating a customer from Windows 7 over to Windows 10. Our goal is to have Windows 8 and 10 clients pull the pictures from Active Directory to the users local profiles.
Windows Backup Mail Report Script
Background Jocha work with a lot of startup companies and small-business owners, which is great in so many ways. While it gives us the possibility to design and set everything up from scratch, with all the best practices, it usually means working with a smaller budget...
Fix Users Homefolder Permissions
The script will look through the a selected Organization Unit and verify that all users have a Home Directory set, and that it has the appropriate NTFS permissions.
Previously all users had Full-permissions on their home folder, which led to the users resetting permissions and removing unwanted permissions (Backup or Admin accounts) to their “private” stuff.