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Installing .NET Framework on Windows 8 and 2012

I have been struggling a bit with adding .NET Framework 3.5 on a few systems (and reference image for MDT). The posts on MSDN and TechNet are good, but not always crystal clear.

Here is how I solved the issues we were experiencing…

Disable Windows 10 Automatic locking screen

We’ve been upgrading a customers environment… for one of their workstation configurations they didn’t want the computers to lock on idle, which is enforced by default.

Windows 8 can’t find WSUS updates

A customer of mine recently started deploying Windows 8 in their environment. MDT was set up and the deployment was working fine, but after deployment the Windows 8 machines wouldn’t connect to the WSUS server.

When trying to connect to the WSUS-server through the Control Panel I got an error message.

Azure Backup Mail Report Script

Jocha previously released a very popular mail report-script for Windows Backup. A downside with the new Azure backup-agent is that it did not offer mail reports… until today!

Disable Hardware Acceleration in Outlook 2013

Not all computers work better with hardware acceleration, especially those with incompatible drivers.

A couple of users contacted me asking about “white screens” and freezes in Outlook 2013. The simple solution is to disable the hardware acceleration…

HP Power Manager Website Menu is Broken

HP Power Manager Website Menu is Broken

Today I ran into some issues with a new HP T750 G2 UPS, The HP Power Manager was causing problems. The idea was to connect it to a Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials server.

First of all, the links on the HP website have a tendancy to redirect you all over the place. For HP Power Manager software and…

Change the Azure AD Sync Schedule

Change the Azure AD Sync Schedule

I finally I got some time to play with the new Azure Active Directory Sync tool and its configuration.

The installation was very straight forward. The step-by-step instruction are provided on MSDN. The administration tools and scripts are located in difference places compared to DirSync which was little confusing in the beginning.

Uninstall all Java versions

Uninstall all Java versions

I received an inquiry from one of my mid-size (100-200 users) customers today. They’ve been planning on implementing a new online service which requires the latest Java version.

The clients have a large quantity of outdated versions of Java, which needed to be uninstalled before we deployed the newest version.
They are currently running Windows 7 and Windows 8, so somewhat modern operative systems.

Installing HP branded Windows on a Virtual server

Installing HP branded Windows on a Virtual server

My customer has bought a Hewlett-Packard server with a Windows Server 2012 ROK (Reseller Option Kit) license.
However this customer had some issues with the installation of the license on the Hyper-V guest server. Since the Windows server does not recognize the ‘hardware’ as a Proliant server, licensing will not succeed.

However there is a simple solution…

Resetting or clearing NOD32 client password

Resetting or clearing NOD32 client password

I was faced with an issue regarding NOD32 today. A couple of clients had an old (undocumented) configuration of their antivirus.
As it turned out the clients had “Protected setup” which means you cannot access the settings, or un/reinstall the program without a specific password. It also happened to not be set up to talk to the appropriate “Remote Administrations-server”.

Event 122: Drivers from Windows Update blocked

Event 122: Drivers from Windows Update blocked

Today was Patch Day for one of my customers. They have a standalone Windows Server 2012 R2 file server.
I reviewed the pending updates and started the download. However the downloads got stuck…

Perfmon: How to record server performance

Perfmon: How to record server performance

A customer of mine was experiencing performance drops on their HR-server. They asked me to get to the bottom of it.

As always when working with Windows servers and performance I headed over to Perfmon…

Display all saved WiFi Passwords

Display all saved WiFi Passwords

We’ve all been there, wireless passwords tend get lost.

There are several tools to retrieve the missing information, but I strongly believe that the less stuff you download from the web, the safer you are. So why not use the built in functions instead?